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Definitions of ‘marriage’ marriage (noun) Synonyms: matrimony, wedlock, wedding, nuptials, espousals, nuptial rites Antonyms: celibacy, divorce, bachelorhood, maidenhood Associated words: […]

Dictionary December 12, 2023 December 12, 2023 affiance, affianced, affinity, agamist, ante-nuptial, banns, benedict, betroth, betrothal, conjugality, connubial, connubiality, desponsory, espousals, fiancé, fiancée, Hymen, hymeneal, intermarriage, matrimonial, matrimony, misalliance, misogamist, misogamy, morganatic, neogamist, noun, nuptial, nuptial rites, nuptiality, nuptials, plight, postnuptial, schatchen, sponsal, troth, wedding, wedlock

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affiance, affianced, affinity, agamist, ante-nuptial, banns, benedict, betroth, betrothal, conjugality, connubial, connubiality, desponsory, espousals, fiancé, fiancée, Hymen, hymeneal, intermarriage, matrimonial, matrimony, misalliance, misogamist, misogamy, morganatic, neogamist, noun, nuptial, nuptial rites, nuptiality, nuptials, plight, postnuptial, schatchen, sponsal, troth, wedding, wedlock
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