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Definitions of ‘writing-desk’ writing-desk (noun) Synonyms: [[secretary]], escritoire

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 escritoire, noun, secretary

Tithonus (Ti-tho´nus). The husband of [[Aurora (mythology)]]. At the request of his wife the gods granted him immortality, but she […]

Mythology July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 aurora, myth, mythological character, mythology, Tithonus

Definitions of ‘writing’ writing (noun) Synonyms: handwriting, chirography, [[penmanship]], [[hand]], calligraphy, document, writ, indenture, debenture, [[certificate]], charter, holograph, inscription, superscription, […]

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 agraphia, cacoëthes scribendi, cacography, calligraphy, certificate, charter, chirography, clerical, cursive, debenture, document, graphology, graphomania, hand, handwriting, holograph, indenture, inscription, literary, noun, penmanship, planchette, scotograph script, stylus, subscription, superscription, uncial, writ

Definitions of ‘writer’ writer (noun) Synonyms: [[scribe]], scrivener, [[penman]], [[secretary]], [[amanuensis]], [[correspondent]], essayist, [[clerk]], [[copyist]], [[author]], hack, calligrapher

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 amanuensis, author, calligrapher, clerk, copyist, correspondent, essayist, hack, noun, penman, scribe, scrivener, secretary

Definitions of ‘wrist’ wrist (noun) Synonyms: carpus Associated words: carpal, carpale

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 carpal, carpale, carpus, noun

Titans (Ti´tans) were the supporters of [[Titan (mythology)]] in his war against [[Saturn (mythology)]] and [[Jupiter (mythology)]]. They were the […]

Mythology July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Saturn, Titan, Titans, Uranus

Definitions of ‘wrinkled’ wrinkled (adjective) Synonyms: corrugated, rumpled, puckered, cockled, creased, rugous

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 adjective, cockled, corrugated, creased, puckered, rugous, rumpled

Definitions of ‘wrinkle’ wrinkle (verb) Synonyms: [[rumple]], [[pucker]], corrugate, [[crease]], cockle, ruck, [[crumple]]

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 cockle, corrugate, crease, crumple, pucker, ruck, rumple, verb

Titan (Ti´tan). Elder brother of [[Saturn (mythology)]], who made war against him, and was ultimately vanquished by [[Jupiter (mythology)]].

Mythology July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Saturn, Titan

Definitions of ‘wring’ wring (verb) Synonyms: writhe, [[squeeze]], [[pinch]], [[distort]], [[pervert]], [[wrest]], [[exact]], extort

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 distort, exact, extort, pervert, pinch, squeeze, verb, wrest, writhe

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distort, exact, extort, pervert, pinch, squeeze, verb, wrest, writhe
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