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Definitions of ‘thoughtful’ thoughtful (adjective) Synonyms: contemplative, [[meditative]], reflective, cogitative, wistful, [[pensive]], preoccupied, [[abstracted]], [[considerate]], [[heedful]], circumspect, [[wary]]

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 abstracted, adjective, circumspect, cogitative, considerate, contemplative, heedful, meditative, pensive, preoccupied, reflective, wary, wistful

Definitions of ‘lost’ lost (adjective) Synonyms: forfeited, missing, derelict, adrift, misspent, misemployed, wasted, irreclaimable, incorrigible, abandoned, preoccupied, abstracted, absent-minded

Dictionary December 4, 2023 December 4, 2023 abandoned, absent-minded, abstracted, adjective, adrift, derelict, forfeited, incorrigible, irreclaimable, misemployed, missing, misspent, preoccupied, wasted

Definitions of ‘absent-minded’ absent-minded (adjective) Synonyms: preoccupied, distrait, inattentive, unmindful, abstracted

Dictionary April 14, 2023 April 14, 2023 abstracted, adjective, distrait, inattentive, preoccupied, unmindful

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abstracted, adjective, distrait, inattentive, preoccupied, unmindful
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