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Definitions of ‘Venus’ Venus (noun) Synonyms: Aphrodite, Cytherea, Morning Star, Lucifer Phosphor, [[Evening Star]], Hesper, Hesperus

Dictionary July 5, 2024 July 5, 2024 Aphrodite, Cytherea, Evening Star, Hesper, Hesperus, Lucifer Phosphor, Morning Star, noun

Marina (Mari´na). A name of [[Venus (mythology)]], meaning sea-foam, from her having been formed from the froth of the sea. […]

Mythology June 8, 2024 June 8, 2024 Aphrodite, Marina, myth, mythological character, mythology, Venus

Aphrodite (Aph´rodi´te), a Greek name of [[Venus (mythology)]].

Mythology February 14, 2024 February 15, 2024 Aphrodite, myth, mythological character, mythology, Venus

Definitions of ‘love’ love (noun) Synonyms: affection, devotion, infatuation, passion, amorousness, amativeness, Cupid, Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, Amorino, philanthropy, storge

Dictionary December 4, 2023 December 4, 2023 affection, amativeness, Amorino, amorousness, Aphrodite, Cupid, devotion, Eros, infatuation, noun, passion, philanthropy, storge, Venus

Definitions of ‘beauty’ beauty (noun) Synonyms: loveliness, fairness, elegance, comeliness, pulchritude, grace, exquisiteness, charm, attraction Associated words: æsthetics, æsthetician, æstheticism, […]

Dictionary May 12, 2023 May 12, 2023 Adonis, æsthete, æsthetic, æsthetician, æstheticism, æsthetics, Aphrodite, Apollo, attraction, charm, comeliness, elegance, esthetology, exquisiteness, fairness, grace, Hebe, Houri, Hyperion, loveliness, noun, pulchritude, Venus

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Adonis, æsthete, æsthetic, æsthetician, æstheticism, æsthetics, Aphrodite, Apollo, attraction, charm, comeliness, elegance, esthetology, exquisiteness, fairness, grace, Hebe, Houri, Hyperion, loveliness, noun, pulchritude, Venus
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