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Definitions of ‘unselfish’ unselfish (adjective) Synonyms: magnanimous, [[disinterested]], altruistic, [[charitable]]

Dictionary June 27, 2024 June 27, 2024 adjective, altruistic, charitable, disinterested, magnanimous

Definitions of ‘tolerant’ tolerant (adjective) Synonyms: [[indulgent]], [[forbearing]], [[charitable]] Antonyms: [[intolerant]]

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 adjective, charitable, forbearing, indulgent

Definitions of ‘generous’ generous (adjective) Synonyms: magnanimous, noble, highminded, ingenuous, munificent, bountiful, open-handed, liberal, lavish, charitable, unstinted, abundant, plentiful, overflowing […]

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 abundant, adjective, bountiful, charitable, highminded, ingenuous, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, munificent, noble, open-handed, overflowing, plentiful, unstinted

Definitions of ‘benevolent’ benevolent (adjective) Synonyms: benign, beneficent, bountiful, charitable, philanthropic

Dictionary May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023 adjective, beneficent, benign, bountiful, charitable, philanthropic

Definitions of ‘beneficent’ beneficent (adjective) Synonyms: benevolent, charitable, philanthropic, magnanimous, benignant

Dictionary May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023 adjective, benevolent, benignant, charitable, magnanimous, philanthropic

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adjective, benevolent, benignant, charitable, magnanimous, philanthropic
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