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Working together

Definitions of ‘working together’ Synonyms: [[coöperation]], collusion, concurrence, collaboration

Dictionary July 25, 2024 July 25, 2024 collaboration, collusion, concurrence, coöperation

Definitions of ‘union’ union (noun) Synonyms: coalition, [[combination]], [[merger]], [[fusion]], unification, incorporation, conjunction, amalgamation, coalescence, [[junction]], [[league]], confederacy, [[federation]], [[alliance]], […]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 agreement, alliance, amalgamation, coalescence, coalition, combination, concurrence, confederacy, conjunction, federation, fusion, incorporation, junction, league, merger, noun, separation, unification, unison

Definitions of ‘harmony’ harmony (noun) Synonyms: concord, agreement, concurrence, consonance chime, unison, unanimity, concordance, congruity, adaptation, consistency Antonyms: discord, antagonism, […]

Dictionary October 14, 2023 October 14, 2023 adaptation, agreement, concord, concordance, concurrence, congruity, consistency, consonance chime, noun, unanimity, unison
Falling in with

Definitions of ‘falling in with’ Synonyms: meeting, concurrence, agreement, compliance

Dictionary August 30, 2023 August 30, 2023 agreement, compliance, concurrence, meeting

Definitions of ‘correspondence’ correspondence (noun) Synonyms: adaptation, agreement, congruity, concurrence, homology, letters

Dictionary July 3, 2023 July 3, 2023 adaptation, agreement, concurrence, congruity, homology, letters, noun

Definitions of ‘coöperation’ coöperation (noun) Synonyms: concurrence, working together, collusion, synergism, synergy Antonyms: antagonism, competition, opposition

Dictionary July 2, 2023 July 2, 2023 collusion, concurrence, noun, synergism, synergy, working together

Definitions of ‘consent’ consent (verb) Synonyms: agree, accord, concur, accede, yield, assent, acquiesce, comply, permit Antonyms: dissent, disagree, refuse consent […]

Dictionary June 28, 2023 June 28, 2023 accede, accord, acquiesce, acquiescence, agree, agreement, approval, assent, compliance, comply, concur, concurrence, noun, permission, permit, verb, yield

Definitions of ‘concert’ concert (noun) Synonyms: accordance, concurrence, harmony, musicale

Dictionary June 26, 2023 June 26, 2023 accordance, concurrence, harmony, musicale, noun

Definitions of ‘coincidence’ coincidence (noun) Synonyms: concurrence, correspondence, agreement

Dictionary June 20, 2023 June 20, 2023 agreement, concurrence, correspondence, noun

Definitions of ‘assent’ assent (noun) Synonyms: consent, agreement, acquiescence, concurrence, placet Antonyms: dissent, declension assent (verb) Synonyms: concur, acquiesce, concede, […]

Dictionary May 3, 2023 May 3, 2023 acquiesce, acquiescence, agreement, concede, concur, concurrence, consent, noun, placet, verb, yield

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acquiesce, acquiescence, agreement, concede, concur, concurrence, consent, noun, placet, verb, yield
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