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Definitions of ‘sere’ sere (adjective) Synonyms: [[dry]], withered, [[sear]]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, dry, sear, withered

Definitions of ‘season’ season (verb) Synonyms: [[habituate]], inure, [[harden]], [[accustom]], acclimatize, [[acclimate]], [[dry]], [[mature]], [[flavor]], [[spice]]

Dictionary March 31, 2024 March 31, 2024 acclimate, acclimatize, accustom, dry, flavor, habituate, harden, inure, mature, spice, verb

Definitions of ‘sear’ sear (verb) Synonyms: cauterize, [[scorch]] sear (adjective) Synonyms: [[dry]], withered, [[dead]], [[sere]]

Dictionary March 31, 2024 March 31, 2024 adjective, cauterize, dead, dry, scorch, sere, verb, withered

Definitions of ‘husky’ husky (adjective) Synonyms: dry, raucous, harsh, discordant, guttural, hoarse

Dictionary October 25, 2023 October 25, 2023 adjective, discordant, dry, guttural, harsh, hoarse, raucous

Definitions of ‘arid’ arid (adjective) Synonyms: dry, barren, unproductive, parched, sterile, uninteresting, dull, unsuggestive

Dictionary April 30, 2023 April 30, 2023 adjective, barren, dry, dull, parched, sterile, uninteresting, unproductive, unsuggestive

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adjective, barren, dry, dull, parched, sterile, uninteresting, unproductive, unsuggestive
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