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Definitions of ‘whim’ whim (noun) Synonyms: [[vagary]], [[caprice]], [[fancy]], [[crotchet]], [[freak]], [[humor]], maggot, notion, [[quirk]]

Dictionary July 18, 2024 July 18, 2024 caprice, crotchet, fancy, freak, humor, maggot, notion, noun, quirk, vagary

Definitions of ‘waggery’ waggery (noun) Synonyms: [[humor]], facetiousness, [[pleasantry]], [[drollery]], [[jesting]], [[jocularity]]

Dictionary July 11, 2024 July 11, 2024 drollery, facetiousness, humor, jesting, jocularity, noun, pleasantry

Definitions of ‘vagary’ vagary (noun) Synonyms: [[whim]], [[caprice]], [[fancy]], [[freak]], [[whimsey]], [[humor]]

Dictionary July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 caprice, fancy, freak, humor, noun, whim, whimsey

Definitions of ‘temper’ temper (verb) Synonyms: [[qualify]], [[modify]], [[moderate]], [[appease]], anneal temper (noun) Synonyms: [[mood]], [[disposition]], [[humor]], [[passion]]

Dictionary May 26, 2024 May 26, 2024 anneal, appease, disposition, humor, moderate, modify, mood, noun, passion, qualify, verb

Definitions of ‘salt’ salt (noun) Synonyms: chloride of sodium salt (noun) Synonyms: [[seasoning]], [[flavor]], savor, [[taste]], [[piquancy]], [[wit]], [[sense]], [[humor]], […]

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 chloride of sodium, flavor, humor, noun, old sailor, piquancy, savor, seasoning, sense, taste, wit

Definitions of ‘pleasantry’ pleasantry (noun) Synonyms: badinage, banter, raillery, witticism, joke, jest, jocularity, drollery, waggery, jollity, humor

Dictionary February 7, 2024 February 7, 2024 badinage, banter, drollery, humor, jest, jocularity, joke, jollity, noun, raillery, waggery, witticism

Definitions of ‘pet’ pet (noun) Synonyms: fondling, darling, favorite, cosset, tiff pet (verb) Synonyms: humor, coddle, fondle, cosset, caress, indulge […]

Dictionary January 31, 2024 January 31, 2024 adjective, cade, caress, coddle, cosset, darling, favorite, fondle, fondling, humor, indulge, noun, petted, tiff, verb

Definitions of ‘mood’ mood (noun) Synonyms: humor

Dictionary December 27, 2023 December 27, 2023 humor, noun

Definitions of ‘moisture’ moisture (noun) Synonyms: dampness, humidity, humor Associated words: hygrostatics, hygrograph, hygrometer, hygroscopic, hygrometric, hygrometry, deliquescent

Dictionary December 25, 2023 December 25, 2023 dampness, deliquescent, humidity, humor, hygrograph, hygrometer, hygrometric, hygrometry, hygroscopic, hygrostatics, noun

Definitions of ‘mind’ mind (verb) Synonyms: obey, regard, consider, heed, mark, note, purpose, intend, design Antonyms: disobey, disregard, ignore mind […]

Dictionary December 21, 2023 December 21, 2023 alienism, alienist, compos mentis, consider, design, disposition, faculties, heed, humor, intellect, intellectual, intellectuality, intellectually, intend, judgment, mark, mental, mentality, mentally, menticulture, noemics, noetic, nomology, non compos mentis, noölogy metaphysics, note, noun, obey, opinion, psychiatry, psychic, psychical, psychodynamic, psychography, psychological, psychologist, psychology, psychopathic, psychopathology, psychopathy, psychosis, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy, purpose, regard, subliminal, telepathic, telepathy, temperament, verb

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alienism, alienist, compos mentis, consider, design, disposition, faculties, heed, humor, intellect, intellectual, intellectuality, intellectually, intend, judgment, mark, mental, mentality, mentally, menticulture, noemics, noetic, nomology, non compos mentis, noölogy metaphysics, note, noun, obey, opinion, psychiatry, psychic, psychical, psychodynamic, psychography, psychological, psychologist, psychology, psychopathic, psychopathology, psychopathy, psychosis, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy, purpose, regard, subliminal, telepathic, telepathy, temperament, verb
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