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Mirth see [[Momus (mythology)]].

Mythology June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024 mirth, Momus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘merriment’ merriment (noun) Synonyms: mirth, gayety, glee, levity, laughter, sportiveness, jocularity

Dictionary December 19, 2023 December 19, 2023 gayety, glee, jocularity, laughter, levity, mirth, noun, sportiveness

Definitions of ‘laughter’ laughter (noun) Synonyms: mirth, laugh, cachinnation, giggle, snicker, roar, cackle, grin, chortle, chuckle, guffaw, titter Associated words: […]

Dictionary November 24, 2023 November 24, 2023 abderian, cachinnation, cackle, chortle, chuckle, gelastic, geloscopy, giggle, grin, guffaw, laugh, mirth, noun, risibility, risible, risibles, risorial, roar, sardonic, snicker, titter

Definitions of ‘joy’ joy (noun) Synonyms: gladness, exultation, jubilation, mirth, festivity glee, elation, merriment

Dictionary November 16, 2023 November 16, 2023 elation, exultation, festivity glee, gladness, jubilation, merriment, mirth, noun

Definitions of ‘happiness’ happiness (noun) Synonyms: felicity, blessedness, delight, gladness, pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, rapture, merriment, mirth, elation, beatitude, joy Antonyms: […]

Dictionary October 13, 2023 October 13, 2023 beatification, beatify, beatitude, blessedness, bliss, delight, ecstasy, elation, eudemonic, eudemonics, eudemonism, eudemonist, felicific, felicitate, felicitation, felicity, gladness, hedonic, hedonics, hedonism, hedonist, joy, merriment, mirth, noun, pleasure, rapture

Definitions of ‘glee’ glee (noun) Synonyms: merriment, joy, mirth, gayety

Dictionary October 1, 2023 October 1, 2023 gayety, joy, merriment, mirth, noun

Definitions of ‘gayety’ gayety (noun) Synonyms: merriment, mirth, hilarity, sportiveness, conviviality, joviality, light-heartedness, elation

Dictionary September 28, 2023 September 28, 2023 conviviality, elation, hilarity, joviality, light-heartedness, merriment, mirth, noun, sportiveness

Definitions of ‘fun’ fun (noun) Synonyms: merriment, mirth, gayety, frolic, jest, pleasantry, drollery, waggery, waggishness, facetiousness, divertisement amusement, relaxation, jocularity

Dictionary September 24, 2023 September 24, 2023 divertisement amusement, drollery, facetiousness, frolic, gayety, jest, jocularity, merriment, mirth, noun, pleasantry, relaxation, waggery, waggishness

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divertisement amusement, drollery, facetiousness, frolic, gayety, jest, jocularity, merriment, mirth, noun, pleasantry, relaxation, waggery, waggishness
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