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Definitions of ‘void’ void (adjective) Synonyms: [[vacant]], [[empty]], vacuous, [[destitute]], devoid, [[lacking]], ineffectual, [[invalid]], [[nugatory]], [[vain]] void (verb) Synonyms: evacuate, […]

Dictionary July 9, 2024 July 9, 2024 abrogate, adjective, annul, destitute, devoid, discharge, egest, eject, empty, evacuate, ineffectual, invalid, lacking, nugatory, nullify, pass, vacant, vacuous, vain, verb

Definitions of ‘state’ state (noun) Synonyms: [[condition]], [[plight]], [[category]], [[situation]], [[pass]], predicament, circumstances, [[rank]], [[quality]], [[pomp]], [[grandeur]], [[magnificence]], commonwealth, canton […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 affirm, allege, assert, aver, canton, category, circumstances, commonwealth, condition, confederate, confederation, declare, federal, federalism, federalist, federalize, gerrymander, grandeur, magnificence, noun, pass, plight, pomp, predicament, quality, rank, say, secession, situation, specify, verb

Definitions of ‘skip’ skip (verb) Synonyms: [[omit]], [[pass]], [[disregard]], [[caper]], [[gambol]], [[jump]], [[leap]], ricochet skip (noun) Synonyms: [[omission]], [[gambol]], [[caper]], […]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 caper, disregard, gambol, hop, jump, leap, noun, omission, omit, pass, ricochet, verb

Definitions of ‘safe-conduct’ safe-conduct (noun) Synonyms: [[convoy]], [[guard]], [[escort]], [[pass]], [[passport]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 convoy, escort, guard, noun, pass, passport

Definitions of ‘run’ run (verb) Synonyms: sprint, lope, [[scamper]], scud, [[speed]], his, [[hasten]], scour, [[scuttle]], flee, [[race]], [[pace]], gallop, trot, […]

Dictionary March 21, 2024 March 21, 2024 abscond, brook, course, demand, elapse, flee, flow, follow, fuse, gallop, generality, hasten, his, importunity, lope, melt, noun, pace, pass, proceed, pursue, race, repetition pressure, rill, rivulet, running, scamper, scour, scud, scuttle, series, speed, sprint, sprinting, stampede, streamlet, tag, trot, verb

Definitions of ‘passport’ passport (noun) Synonyms: pass, safe-conduct, sea letter

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 noun, pass, safe-conduct, sea letter

Definitions of ‘passage’ passage (noun) Synonyms: transit, fare, clause, sentence, paragraph, enactment, corridor, hall, gangway, slype, pass, defile

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 clause, corridor, defile, enactment, fare, gangway, hall, noun, paragraph, pass, sentence, slype, transit

Definitions of ‘gorge’ gorge (noun) Synonyms: gully, defile, ravine, pass gorge (verb) Synonyms: bolt, gulp, eat greedily, glut, stuff, satiate

Dictionary October 4, 2023 October 4, 2023 bolt, defile, eat greedily, glut, gully, gulp, noun, pass, ravine, satiate, stuff, verb

Definitions of ‘go’ go (verb) Synonyms: operate, pass, move, advance, repair, hark, budge, stir, resort, frequent, wend, circulate, tend, conduce, […]

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 advance, budge, circulate, conduce, contribute, depart, extend, frequent, hark, move, operate, pass, reach, repair, resort, stir, tend, verb, wend

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advance, budge, circulate, conduce, contribute, depart, extend, frequent, hark, move, operate, pass, reach, repair, resort, stir, tend, verb, wend
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