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Definitions of ‘willful’ willful (adjective) Synonyms: [[refractory]], [[headstrong]], [[perverse]], [[disobedient]], [[inflexible]]

Dictionary July 21, 2024 July 21, 2024 adjective, disobedient, headstrong, inflexible, perverse, refractory

Definitions of ‘wayward’ wayward (adjective) Synonyms: [[disobedient]], [[perverse]], [[froward]], [[willful]], intractable, [[headstrong]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, disobedient, froward, headstrong, intractable, perverse, willful

Definitions of ‘stubborn’ stubborn (adjective) Synonyms: [[unyielding]], [[obstinate]], obdurate, [[mulish]], [[refractory]], [[indocile]], [[headstrong]], [[inflexible]], intractable, [[perverse]], contumacious, impersuadable, recalcitrant, [[stiff-necked]], […]

Dictionary May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024 adjective, contumacious, headstrong, impersuadable, incompliant, indocile, inflexible, intractable, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, persistent, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory, rugged, stiff-necked, unyielding

Definitions of ‘stiff-necked’ stiff-necked (adjective) Synonyms: [[obstinate]], intractable, [[perverse]], contumacious, [[stubborn]], obdurate

Dictionary May 9, 2024 May 9, 2024 adjective, contumacious, intractable, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, stubborn

Definitions of ‘pigheaded’ pigheaded (adjective) Synonyms: stubborn, perverse

Dictionary February 2, 2024 February 2, 2024 adjective, perverse, stubborn

Definitions of ‘obstinate’ obstinate (adjective) Synonyms: incompliant, intractable, mulish, perverse, dogged, contumacious, stubborn Antonyms: amenable, yielding, tractable, submissive, compliant, obedient

Dictionary January 10, 2024 January 10, 2024 adjective, contumacious, dogged, incompliant, intractable, mulish, perverse, stubborn

Definitions of ‘naughty’ naughty (adjective) Synonyms: disobedient, mischievous, perverse, forward, refractory

Dictionary January 2, 2024 January 2, 2024 adjective, disobedient, forward, mischievous, perverse, refractory

Definitions of ‘headstrong’ headstrong (adjective) Synonyms: willful, perverse, stubborn, intractable, froward

Dictionary October 16, 2023 October 16, 2023 adjective, froward, intractable, perverse, stubborn, willful

Definitions of ‘fractious’ fractious (adjective) Synonyms: unruly, perverse, irritable, ugly, waspish

Dictionary September 20, 2023 September 20, 2023 adjective, irritable, perverse, ugly, unruly, waspish

Definitions of ‘difficult’ difficult (adjective) Synonyms: arduous, onerous, complicated, intricate, hard, uncompliant, intractable, perverse, fastidious, exacting Antonyms: facile, light, easy

Dictionary July 26, 2023 July 26, 2023 adjective, arduous, complicated, exacting, fastidious, hard, intractable, intricate, onerous, perverse, uncompliant

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adjective, arduous, complicated, exacting, fastidious, hard, intractable, intricate, onerous, perverse, uncompliant
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