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Definitions of ‘swelling’ swelling (noun) Synonyms: intumescence, turgescence, prominence, protuberance, [[bump]], node, blain, distention Antonyms: [[subsidence]], detumescence swelling (adjective) Synonyms: […]

Dictionary May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 adjective, blain, bombastic, bump, distention, grandiloquent, grandiose, intumescence, node, noun, prominence, protuberance, tumefacient, tumid, turgent, turgescence, turgid

Definitions of ‘swell’ swell (verb) Synonyms: distend, [[dilate]], [[expand]], [[bloat]], puff up, tumefy, intumesce, [[increase]], augment, heave, surge, protuberate, strut, […]

Dictionary May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 augment, augmentation, bloat, bulge, dilate, distend, elevation, expand, heave, increase, intumesce, noun, protuberance, protuberate, puff up, rise, strut, surge, swagger, swelling, tumefy, verb
Standing out

Definitions of ‘standing out’ Synonyms: [[prominent]], projecting, protuberant, [[jutting out]], [[conspicuous]], [[salient]] Synonyms: prominence, projection, protuberance, bulge, protrusion, conspicuousness, salience, […]

Dictionary May 6, 2024 May 6, 2024 bulge, conspicuous, conspicuousness, incompliance, jutting out, obduracy, persistence, projecting, projection, prominence, prominent, protrusion, protuberance, protuberant, salience, salient

Definitions of ‘jag’ jag (noun) Synonyms: notch, cleft, barb, protuberance jag (verb) Synonyms notch

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 barb, cleft, notch, noun, protuberance, verb

Definitions of ‘hunch’ hunch (noun) Synonyms: hump, protuberance, chunk, lump

Dictionary October 24, 2023 October 24, 2023 chunk, hump, lump, noun, protuberance

Definitions of ‘hump’ hump (noun) Synonyms: protuberance, hunch

Dictionary October 24, 2023 October 24, 2023 hunch, noun, protuberance

Definitions of ‘hub’ hub (noun) Synonyms: nave, protuberance, hummock

Dictionary October 23, 2023 October 23, 2023 hummock, nave, noun, protuberance

Definitions of ‘convexity’ convexity (noun) Synonyms: protuberance, gibbosity Antonyms: concavity

Dictionary July 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 gibbosity, noun, protuberance

Definitions of ‘bunch’ bunch (noun) Synonyms: cluster, tuft, knot, tussock, raceme, racemation, protuberance, lump, nodule, hunch, bump, lot, collection, group, […]

Dictionary June 1, 2023 June 1, 2023 assortment, bump, cluster, collection, group, hunch, knot, lot, lump, nodule, noun, protuberance, racemation, raceme, set, tuft, tussock

Definitions of ‘bump’ bump (verb) Synonyms: jolt, jounce, thump bump (noun) Synonyms: protuberance, prominence, lump, nodule, swelling

Dictionary June 1, 2023 June 1, 2023 jolt, jounce, lump, nodule, noun, prominence, protuberance, swelling, thump, verb

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jolt, jounce, lump, nodule, noun, prominence, protuberance, swelling, thump, verb
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