

Definitions of ‘outlaw’

outlaw (noun)

The noun “outlaw” refers to a person who has been declared as a criminal or lawbreaker by a legal authority, often as a result of committing serious offenses or violating established laws and regulations. An outlaw is typically subject to legal penalties and may be pursued for arrest and punishment. In historical contexts, an outlaw may have been formally declared outside the protection of the law, allowing others to capture or harm them without legal repercussions. The term can also be used more broadly to describe someone who engages in activities that are prohibited or considered socially unacceptable.

Examples of the noun outlaw in a sentence:

  • The notorious outlaw robbed several banks and eluded law enforcement for years before being captured.
  • In the Old West, a lone outlaw on horseback was a common sight, often portrayed as a symbol of lawlessness and rebellion.
  • The government declared him an outlaw after he plotted against the state and engaged in acts of terrorism.
  • The gang operated on the fringes of society, each member embracing the outlaw lifestyle with a disdain for authority.
  • The vigilante sought to bring justice to the town by targeting the outlaw who had terrorized the community for far too long.


bandit, desperado, criminal, felon, lawbreaker, outcast, renegade, offender


law-abiding citizen, compliant person, conformist, upholder of the law, legalist, obedient individual, law-abiding member of society, rule follower

outlaw (verb)

The verb “outlaw” refers to the act of officially prohibiting, banning, or declaring something or someone as illegal or outside the protection of the law. It involves the imposition of a legal restriction or prohibition on a particular activity, behavior, or individual, rendering them subject to punishment or legal consequences. Additionally, to outlaw can also mean to exclude or remove something from legal recognition or protection, branding it as unlawful or forbidden.

Examples of the verb outlaw in a sentence:

  • The government decided to outlaw the use of certain hazardous chemicals in manufacturing to protect the environment.
  • In an effort to curb organized crime, the authorities decided to outlaw certain gang activities and strengthen law enforcement measures.
  • The town council voted to outlaw the parking of vehicles on the sidewalk to improve pedestrian safety.
  • The new legislation seeks to outlaw discrimination on the basis of gender, promoting equality in the workplace.
  • As a response to the growing concern over public health, the city decided to outlaw smoking in all indoor public spaces, including restaurants and bars.


proscribe, ban, prohibit, forbid, criminalize, bar, restrict, disallow


permit, allow, authorize, legalize, sanction, approve, endorse, enable

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