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Definitions of ‘stay’ stay (verb) Synonyms: sojourn, tarry, lodge, [[remain]], continue, [[abide]], [[support]], [[prop]], [[buttress]], [[brace]], [[uphold]], [[strengthen]], [[delay]], [[obstruct]], […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 abidance, abide, appease, brace, buttress, continue, delay, dependence, forbear, hinder, hindrance, impede, impediment, lodge, noun, obstruct, obstruction, prop, remain, restrain, restraint, retard, sojourn, stop, strengthen, support, tarry, uphold, upholder, verb, withhold, withstand

Definitions of ‘persevere’ persevere (verb) Synonyms: persist, continue

Dictionary January 30, 2024 January 30, 2024 continue, persist, verb

Definitions of ‘last’ last (adjective) Synonyms: final, hindmost, farthest, latest, ultimate last (verb) Synonyms: continue, endure, remain

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, continue, endure, farthest, final, hindmost, latest, remain, ultimate, verb
Keep up

Definitions of ‘keep up’ Synonyms: maintain, continue

Dictionary November 18, 2023 November 18, 2023 continue, maintain
Keep on

Definitions of ‘keep on’ Synonyms: proceed, continue, persist

Dictionary November 18, 2023 November 18, 2023 continue, persist, proceed

Definitions of ‘keep’ keep (noun) Synonyms: custody, charge, maintenance, support, stronghold, donjon, condition, case keep (verb) Synonyms: detain, restrain, hold, […]

Dictionary November 18, 2023 November 18, 2023 adhere to, case, celebrate, charge, commemorate, condition, conserve, continue, custody, defend, detain, donjon, entertain, fulfill, guard, harbor, hold, maintain, maintenance, noun, observe, preserve, protect, provide for, repress, restrain, retain, screen, shield, solemnize, stronghold, support, sustain, verb, withhold

Definitions of ‘endure’ endure (verb) Synonyms: suffer, experience, undergo, stand, brook, tolerate, submit to, abide, sustain, support, bear, last, abide, […]

Dictionary August 18, 2023 August 18, 2023 abide, bear, brook, continue, experience, last, persist, remain, stand, submit to, suffer, support, sustain, tolerate, undergo, verb

Definitions of ‘abide’ abide (verb) Synonyms: dwell, stay, sojourn, continue, remain, acquiesce, conform to

Dictionary April 13, 2023 April 13, 2023 acquiesce, conform to, continue, dwell, remain, sojourn, stay, verb

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acquiesce, conform to, continue, dwell, remain, sojourn, stay, verb
Viewing 1-8 of 8 articles