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Definitions of ‘upkeep’ upkeep (noun) Synonyms: [[maintenance]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 maintenance, noun

Definitions of ‘support’ support (verb) Synonyms: [[prop]], [[brace]], [[bolster]], [[uphold]], sustain, [[maintain]], [[keep]], provide for, [[verify]], [[substantiate]], [[ratify]], corroborate, [[confirm]], […]

Dictionary May 18, 2024 May 18, 2024 advocacy, aid, assistance, back, base, basis, bolster, brace, buttress, caryatid, confirm, corroborate, countenance, defend, espousal, finding, foundation, fulcrum, keep, livelihood, maintain, maintenance, noun, prop, provide for, ratify, second, shore, staddle, stanchion, subsistence, substantiate, supporter, sustain, sustenance, uphold, verb, verify, vindicate

Definitions of ‘suit’ suit (noun) Synonyms: [[wooing]], courtship, addresses, prosecution, action, [[lawsuit]], [[retinue]], [[suite]], [[petition]], [[solicitation]], entreaty, [[request]] Associated words: […]

Dictionary May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024 accord, action, adapt, addresses, adjust, agree, champerty, comport, courtship, entreaty, fit, gratify, lawsuit, maintenance, noun, petition, please, prosecution, request, retinue, satisfy, solicitation, suite, verb, wooing

Definitions of ‘living’ living (adjective) Synonyms: alive, quick, live, quickening, animating living (noun) Synonyms: life, existence, being, livelihood, sustenance, subsistence, […]

Dictionary December 1, 2023 December 1, 2023 adjective, alive, animating, being, benefice, existence, life, live, livelihood, maintenance, noun, quick, quickening, subsistence, sustenance

Definitions of ‘keep’ keep (noun) Synonyms: custody, charge, maintenance, support, stronghold, donjon, condition, case keep (verb) Synonyms: detain, restrain, hold, […]

Dictionary November 18, 2023 November 18, 2023 adhere to, case, celebrate, charge, commemorate, condition, conserve, continue, custody, defend, detain, donjon, entertain, fulfill, guard, harbor, hold, maintain, maintenance, noun, observe, preserve, protect, provide for, repress, restrain, retain, screen, shield, solemnize, stronghold, support, sustain, verb, withhold

Definitions of ‘defense’ defense (noun) Synonyms: protection, defending, maintenance, guard, protection, palisade, rampart, bulwark, fortress, blockhouse, fortification, earthwork, breastwork, shield, […]

Dictionary July 19, 2023 July 19, 2023 advocacy, armor, blockhouse, breastwork, buckler, bulwark, defending, earthwork, excuse, fortification, fortress, garrison, guard, machicolation, maintenance, muniment, noun, palisade, palladium, plea, protection, rampart, ravelin, redoubt, reliance, remblai, shield, stockade, vindication

Definitions of ‘conservation’ conservation (noun) Synonyms: preservation, maintenance, keeping

Dictionary June 28, 2023 June 28, 2023 keeping, maintenance, noun, preservation

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keeping, maintenance, noun, preservation
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