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Definitions of ‘way’ way (noun) Synonyms: [[manner]], method, [[mode]], [[fashion]], [[style]], [[guise]], [[custom]], habitude, [[wont]], [[practice]], [[distance]], interval, space, [[passage]], […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 advance, contrivance, custom, device, direction, distance, expedient, fashion, guise, habitude, interval, manner, means, method, mode, noun, passage, path, practice, progression, road, space, style, thoroughfare, track, transit, wont

Definitions of ‘stratagem’ stratagem (noun) Synonyms: [[artifice]], [[device]], machination, [[maneuver]], [[intrigue]], [[ruse]], [[finesse]]

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 artifice, device, finesse, intrigue, machination, maneuver, noun, ruse

Definitions of ‘shift’ shift (verb) Synonyms: veer, [[change]], [[turn]], [[quirk]], [[quibble]], palter, [[change]], [[substitute]] shift (noun) Synonyms: [[subterfuge]], [[device]], [[contrivance]], […]

Dictionary April 9, 2024 April 9, 2024 change, chemise, contrivance, device, dodge, evasion, expedient, noun, palter, quibble, quirk, resource, stratagem, substitute, substitution, subterfuge, trick, turn, veer, verb

Definitions of ‘resource’ resource (noun) Synonyms: resort, expedient, [[device]], [[shift]]

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 device, expedient, noun, resort, shift

Definitions of ‘refuge’ refuge (noun) Synonyms: [[stronghold]], [[asylum]], [[retreat]], [[covert]], [[shelter]], [[protection]], [[security]], [[guard]], expedient, [[device]], [[shift]], resort

Dictionary March 2, 2024 March 2, 2024 asylum, covert, device, expedient, guard, noun, protection, resort, retreat, security, shelter, shift, stronghold

Definitions of ‘means’ means (noun) Synonyms: property, possessions, wealth, resources, riches, estate, instrument, agency, instrumentality, method, way, facility, expedient, resource, […]

Dictionary December 16, 2023 December 16, 2023 agency, artifice, contrivance, device, estate, expedient, facility, instrument, instrumentality, method, noun, possessions, property, resort, resource, resources, riches, way, wealth

Definitions of ‘knack’ knack (noun) Synonyms: gimcrack, trinket, toy, plaything, knickknack, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble, skill, readiness, aptitude, proficiency, dexterity, adroitness, […]

Dictionary November 20, 2023 November 20, 2023 adroitness, aptitude, bauble, device, dexterity, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaws, knickknack, noun, plaything, proficiency, readiness, skill, toy, trick, trinket

Definitions of ‘gimcrack’ gimcrack (noun) Synonyms: device, toy, plaything, trinket, knickknack, jiggumbob

Dictionary September 30, 2023 September 30, 2023 device, jiggumbob, knickknack, noun, plaything, toy, trinket

Definitions of ‘crest’ crest (noun) Synonyms: tuft, helmet, top, ridge, crown, summit, armorial bearings, device, cognizance

Dictionary July 8, 2023 July 8, 2023 armorial bearings, cognizance, crown, device, helmet, noun, ridge, summit, top, tuft

Definitions of ‘contrivance’ contrivance (noun) Synonyms: contriving, devising, device, expedient, scheme, invention

Dictionary July 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 contriving, device, devising, expedient, invention, noun, scheme

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contriving, device, devising, expedient, invention, noun, scheme
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