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Harvest see [[Segetia (mythology)]]. A Roman divinity, invoked by the husbandman that the harvest might be plentiful.

Mythology May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024 harvest, myth, mythological character, mythology, Segetia

Definitions of ‘gather’ gather (verb) Synonyms: congregate, assemble, convene, muster, collect, concentrate, harvest, pick, glean, pluck, crop, reap, accumulate, amass, […]

Dictionary September 27, 2023 September 27, 2023 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compress, concentrate, conclude, congregate, contract, convene, crop, deduce, garner, glean, harvest, hoard, infer, maturate, muster, noun, pick, plait, pluck, pucker, reap, ruffle, shirr, shirring, verb

Definitions of ‘fruit’ fruit (noun) Synonyms: produce, harvest, crop, offspring, consequence, result, outcome, fruitage fruit (noun) Synonyms: fruitage, fruitery Associated […]

Dictionary September 24, 2023 September 24, 2023 bletting, carpologist, carpology, carpomania, carpophagous, consequence, crop, drupe, fructiferous, fructification, fructify, fruitage, fruitchafer, fruitery, harvest, noun, nursery, offspring, orchard, outcome, pepinnery, pomiculture, pomologist, pomology, Pomona, produce, pulp, raceme, result, rind, sarcocarp

Definitions of ‘crop’ crop (noun) Synonyms: harvest, fruit, product, ingathering crop (verb) Synonyms: clip, lop, cut off, gather, reap, harvest, […]

Dictionary July 9, 2023 July 9, 2023 browse, clip, cut off, fruit, garner, gather, harvest, ingathering, lop, nibble, noun, product, reap, verb

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browse, clip, cut off, fruit, garner, gather, harvest, ingathering, lop, nibble, noun, product, reap, verb
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