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Definitions of ‘shame’ shame (noun) Synonyms: [[ignominy]], [[dishonor]], [[reproach]], [[derision]], contempt discredit, opprobrium, [[scandal]], [[disgrace]], obloquy, [[mortification]], [[abashment]], [[humiliation]], [[discomfiture]], […]

Dictionary April 8, 2024 April 8, 2024 abashment, contempt discredit, decency, degrade, deride, derision, discomfiture, disconcert, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, humiliation, ignominy, mock, modesty, mortification, mortify, noun, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, ridicule, scandal, verb

Definitions of ‘reproach’ reproach (verb) Synonyms: [[censure]], [[upbraid]], [[rebuke]], reprimand, [[revile]], [[chide]], [[vilify]] reproach (noun) Synonyms: [[censure]], scurrility, contumely, invective, […]

Dictionary March 8, 2024 March 8, 2024 censure, chide, contumely, disgrace, invective, noun, obloquy, odium, rebuke, reprimand, revile, scurrility, shame, upbraid, verb, vilify

Definitions of ‘infamy’ infamy (noun) Synonyms: disgrace, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium

Dictionary November 4, 2023 November 4, 2023 disgrace, ignominy, noun, obloquy, odium, opprobrium

Definitions of ‘ignominy’ ignominy (noun) Synonyms: disgrace, dishonor, reproach, obloquy, shame, humiliation

Dictionary October 26, 2023 October 26, 2023 disgrace, dishonor, humiliation, noun, obloquy, reproach, shame

Definitions of ‘disgrace’ disgrace (noun) Synonyms: reproach, discredit, dishonor, shame, infamy, degradation, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, scandal, debasement, abasement […]

Dictionary July 30, 2023 July 30, 2023 abase, abasement, debase, debasement, degradation, degrade, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, humiliate, ignominy, infamy, noun, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, shame, sully, tarnish, verb

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abase, abasement, debase, debasement, degradation, degrade, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, humiliate, ignominy, infamy, noun, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, scandal, shame, sully, tarnish, verb
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