Title | Author | Created | Last Edited | Group | Tags |
Definitions of ‘venturesome’ venturesome (adjective) Synonyms: daring, [[bold]], intrepid, undaunted, temerarious |
Dictionary | July 5, 2024 | July 5, 2024 | adjective, bold, daring, intrepid, temerarious, undaunted | |
Definitions of ‘pert’ pert (adjective) Synonyms: sprightly, dapper, nimble, forward, bold, saucy, malapert |
Dictionary | January 30, 2024 | January 30, 2024 | adjective, bold, dapper, forward, malapert, nimble, saucy, sprightly | |
Definitions of ‘mannish’ mannish (adjective) Synonyms: masculine, vigorous, bold Antonyms: effeminate, feminine |
Dictionary | December 11, 2023 | December 11, 2023 | adjective, bold, masculine, vigorous | |
Definitions of ‘heroic’ heroic (adjective) Synonyms: valiant, bold, daring, brave, desperate, drastic, extreme |
Dictionary | October 18, 2023 | October 18, 2023 | adjective, bold, brave, daring, desperate, drastic, extreme, valiant | |
Definitions of ‘fearless’ fearless (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, courageous, bold, valorous, undaunted, unafraid, unflinching |
Dictionary | September 3, 2023 | September 3, 2023 | adjective, bold, courageous, intrepid, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, valorous | |
Definitions of ‘erect’ erect (verb) Synonyms: build, raise erect (adjective) Synonyms: upright, vertical, raised, undaunted, bold, undismayed Antonyms: horizontal, recumbent, […] |
Dictionary | August 21, 2023 | August 21, 2023 | adjective, bold, build, raise, raised, undaunted, undismayed, upright, verb, vertical | |
Definitions of ‘doughty’ doughty (adjective) Synonyms: redoubtable, valiant, bold, fearless |
Dictionary | August 7, 2023 | August 7, 2023 | adjective, bold, fearless, redoubtable, valiant | |
Definitions of ‘dashing’ dashing (adjective) Synonyms: spirited, bold, brilliant, ostentatious, gay, roaring, rushing, headlong |
Dictionary | July 15, 2023 | July 15, 2023 | adjective, bold, brilliant, gay, headlong, ostentatious, roaring, rushing, spirited | |
Definitions of ‘courageous’ courageous (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, brave, heroic, gallant, hardy, bold, fearless, valiant, valorous, dauntless, chivalrous, plucky, daring, lion-hearted |
Dictionary | July 5, 2023 | July 5, 2023 | adjective, bold, brave, chivalrous, daring, dauntless, fearless, gallant, hardy, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, plucky, valiant, valorous | |
Definitions of ‘brave’ brave (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, courageous, valiant, daring, bold, valorous, chivalrous, fearless, adventurous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, mettlesome, […] |
Dictionary | May 27, 2023 | May 27, 2023 | adjective, adventurous, beard, bold, chivalrous, courageous, cowardly, dare, daring, dauntless, defy, doughty, effective, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, manly, mettlesome, plucky, showy, striking, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous, venturesome, verb |