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Definitions of ‘fearless’ fearless (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, courageous, bold, valorous, undaunted, unafraid, unflinching

Dictionary September 3, 2023 September 3, 2023 adjective, bold, courageous, intrepid, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, valorous

Definitions of ‘brave’ brave (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, courageous, valiant, daring, bold, valorous, chivalrous, fearless, adventurous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, mettlesome, […]

Dictionary May 27, 2023 May 27, 2023 adjective, adventurous, beard, bold, chivalrous, courageous, cowardly, dare, daring, dauntless, defy, doughty, effective, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, manly, mettlesome, plucky, showy, striking, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous, venturesome, verb

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adjective, adventurous, beard, bold, chivalrous, courageous, cowardly, dare, daring, dauntless, defy, doughty, effective, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, lion-hearted, manly, mettlesome, plucky, showy, striking, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous, venturesome, verb
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