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Definitions of ‘unsightly’ unsightly (adjective) Synonyms: [[offensive]], [[repulsive]]

Dictionary June 28, 2024 June 28, 2024 adjective, offensive, repulsive

Definitions of ‘unlovely’ unlovely (adjective) Synonyms: uncomely, [[homely]], [[plain]], unattractive, [[repulsive]]

Dictionary June 22, 2024 June 22, 2024 adjective, homely, plain, repulsive, unattractive, uncomely

Definitions of ‘revolting’ revolting (adjective) Synonyms: nauseating, [[repulsive]], [[fulsome]], [[abhorrent]], [[disgusting]]

Dictionary March 13, 2024 March 13, 2024 abhorrent, adjective, disgusting, fulsome, nauseating, repulsive

Definitions of ‘repellent’ repellent (adjective) Synonyms: [[repulsive]], repelling

Dictionary March 7, 2024 March 7, 2024 adjective, repelling, repulsive

Definitions of ‘odious’ odious (adjective) Synonyms: detestable, abominable, execrable, offensive, repulsive, hateful, loathsome

Dictionary January 11, 2024 January 11, 2024 abominable, adjective, detestable, execrable, hateful, loathsome, offensive, repulsive

Definitions of ‘nasty’ nasty (adjective) Synonyms: filthy, squalid, foul, polluted, dirty, indecent, indelicate, gross, ribald, lewd, obscene, smutty, shameless, odious, […]

Dictionary January 1, 2024 January 1, 2024 adjective, dirty, disagreeable, disgusting, filthy, foul, gross, indecent, indelicate, lewd, nauseous, obscene, odious, polluted, repulsive, ribald, shameless, sickening, smutty, squalid

Definitions of ‘hideous’ hideous (adjective) Synonyms: horrible, grim, ogreish, grisly, repulsive, ugly, ghastly, shocking

Dictionary October 19, 2023 October 19, 2023 adjective, ghastly, grim, grisly, horrible, ogreish, repulsive, shocking, ugly

Definitions of ‘harsh’ harsh (adjective) Synonyms: inharmonious, rough, disagreeable, unpleasant, raucous, dissonant, strident, discordant, cacophonous, austere, morose, severe, ungracious, inurbane, […]

Dictionary October 15, 2023 October 15, 2023 acrid, acrimonious, adjective, austere, bluff, blunt, brusque, cacophonous, caustic, churlish, disagreeable, discordant, discourteous, dissonant, inharmonious, inurbane, morose, raucous, repulsive, rough, severe, strident, uncivil, ungracious, unpleasant

Definitions of ‘ghastly’ ghastly (adjective) Synonyms: cadaverous, ghostly, pallid, pale, horrible, shocking, repulsive

Dictionary September 29, 2023 September 29, 2023 adjective, cadaverous, ghostly, horrible, pale, pallid, repulsive, shocking

Definitions of ‘foul’ foul (adjective) Synonyms: filthy, squalid, dirty, polluted, scurrilous, abusive, obscene, insulting, blasphemous, vituperative, vulgar, shameful, detestable, odious, […]

Dictionary September 19, 2023 September 19, 2023 abominable, abusive, adjective, blasphemous, defile, detestable, dirty, disgusting, dreggish, dreggy, feculent, filthy, insulting, loathsome, obscene, odious, offensive, pollute, polluted, repulsive, roily, scurrilous, shameful, soil, squalid, turbid, unfavorable, unpropitious, verb, vituperative, vulgar

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abominable, abusive, adjective, blasphemous, defile, detestable, dirty, disgusting, dreggish, dreggy, feculent, filthy, insulting, loathsome, obscene, odious, offensive, pollute, polluted, repulsive, roily, scurrilous, shameful, soil, squalid, turbid, unfavorable, unpropitious, verb, vituperative, vulgar
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