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Definitions of ‘touch’ touch (verb) Synonyms: [[meet]], impinge, graze touch (noun) Synonyms: [[touching]], [[contact]], contiguity, juxtaposition, osculation, tangency, taction, tact, […]

Dictionary June 3, 2024 June 3, 2024 animadversion, censure, contact, contiguity, dash, graze, impalpability, impalpable, impinge, infusion, juxtaposition, meet, noun, osculation, palpability, palpable, palpation, reflection, slur, soupçon, sprinkling, stricture, tact, tactile, tactility, taction, tactual, tangency, touching, verb

Definitions of ‘seemly’ seemly (adjective) Synonyms: [[becoming]], [[suitable]], [[proper]], [[appropriate]], [[meet]], [[befitting]]

Dictionary April 2, 2024 April 2, 2024 adjective, appropriate, becoming, befitting, meet, proper, suitable

Definitions of ‘proper’ proper (adjective) Synonyms: [[appropriate]], [[meet]], [[suitable]], [[seemly]], condign, appertinent, conformable, consistent, apposite, decorous, conventional, [[formal]], [[sedate]], [[demure]] […]

Dictionary February 16, 2024 February 16, 2024 adjective, appertinent, apposite, appropriate, condign, conformable, consistent, conventional, decorous, demure, formal, meet, sedate, seemly, suitable

Definitions of ‘fulfill’ fulfill (verb) Synonyms: accomplish, complete, consummate, realize, satisfy, fill, answer, meet, discharge, perform

Dictionary September 24, 2023 September 24, 2023 accomplish, answer, complete, consummate, discharge, fill, meet, perform, realize, satisfy, verb

Definitions of ‘fit’ fit (noun) Synonyms: spasm, paroxysm, convulsion, access, outburst, attack, epilepsy, catalepsy, humor, whim, caprice, fancy fit (adjective) […]

Dictionary September 9, 2023 September 9, 2023 access, accommodate, adapt, adequate, adjective, adjust, apposite, appropriate, apt, attack, becoming, befitting, caprice, catalepsy, competent, congruent, congruous, convenient, convulsion, eligible, epilepsy, equip, expedient, fancy, humor, meet, noun, outburst, paroxysm, prepare, proper, qualified, qualify, shape, spasm, suitable, trim, verb, whim

Definitions of ‘face’ face (noun) Synonyms: countenance, visage, physiognomy, features, front, exterior, obverse, facet, effrontery, confidence, assurance, audacity, impudence Associated […]

Dictionary August 28, 2023 August 28, 2023 assurance, audacity, bluff, bully, complexion, confidence, confront, cosmetic, countenance, domino, dress, effrontery, exterior, facet, facial, features, front, grimace, impudence, Janus-faced, lineament, maskoid, meet, multifaced, noun, obverse, physiognomist, physiognomy, plane, profile, rouge, silhouette, smirk, smooth, veneer, verb, visage

Definitions of ‘befitting’ befitting (adjective) Synonyms: suitable, proper, becoming, appropriate, seemly, meet, applicable, congruous

Dictionary May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023 adjective, applicable, appropriate, becoming, congruous, meet, proper, seemly, suitable

Definitions of ‘assemble’ assemble (verb) Synonyms: convene, congregate, gather, meet, muster, convoke

Dictionary May 3, 2023 May 3, 2023 congregate, convene, convoke, gather, meet, muster, verb

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congregate, convene, convoke, gather, meet, muster, verb
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